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Energetic Healing – Ear Candling

by Patrick Quanten MD

It is a fact that we are energetic beings with a body, not a body with ‘some non-material aspects' to it. This energy, the human energy field, contains and reflects each individual's energy. This is as it is and your energy field has been created by all your personal experiences, starting from much farther back than we generally are keen to acknowledge. It is this force that shapes and influences the physical tissue within the body, as at every moment this energy creates the tissues. Experiences that carry emotional energy include: past and present relationships, both personal and professional; profound or traumatic experiences and memories; and belief patterns and attitudes, including all spiritual and superstitious beliefs. The emotions from these experiences become encoded in the biological systems and contribute to the formation of cell tissue, which then generates a quality of energy that reflects those emotions. Neurobiologist Dr Candace Pert has proven, that neuropeptides - the chemicals triggered by emotions - are thoughts converted into matter. Our emotions reside physically in our bodies and interact with our cells and tissues. In fact, Dr Pert can no longer separate the mind from the body, she says, because the same kind of cells that manufacture and receive emotional chemistry in the brain are present throughout the body. Sometimes the body responds emotionally and manufactures emotional chemicals even before the brain has registered a problem.

All our thoughts first appear as energy. The thoughts which all carry emotional, mental, psychological, or spiritual energy produce biological responses that are then shaping the form and function of the tissues. In this way these energies are being stored in our cellular memory. No information is ever lost, and it is all written down in the state of balance the cells, the organs and the whole physical body appears in.

For any kind of therapy to succeed, the patient must have an internal concept of power, an ability to generate internal energy, such as a belief in his/her self-sufficiency. Power is at the root of the human experience and it is at the root of all healing. Our attitudes and belief patterns, whether positive or negative, are all extensions of how we define, use, or do not use power. Many people who lose something that represents power to them - money, or a job; or a game - or who lose someone in whom their sense of self or power is vested - a spouse or lover, a parent or child - develop a disease. Our relationship to power is at the core of our health.

Healing and curing are not the same thing. Briefly, a "cure" means that one has successfully controlled the progression of an illness. Curing a physical disease does not necessarily mean that the emotional and psychological (energetic) reasons for the illness have been removed, which means that the illness, in some form or another, will progress and symptoms of illness will return. The process of curing is entirely passive and external (it happens around you). Healing on the other hand is a very active and internal process. It involves an insight into your own attitudes, memories and beliefs and a deep desire to release all the patterns that no longer serve your balance of health.

Conventional medicine has a very passive attitude towards power. The treatments do not require a conscious participation on the part of the patient, beyond the co-operation of actually taking the tablets. When a person is passive, he/she cannot fully heal. There may be a recovery, but no healing can take place, as there is no active change in the field that has expressed itself in this particular biological way, the specific disease. In other words, the source of the physical disease, that which created it in the first place – personal energy - has not changed. In the long term, that can only be changed by the person who has the power and the insight, and that is, whether you like it or not, yourself.

Making a difference in your energy field will change the bodily tissues. This can be a fleeting change or if we repeat it and hold on to the change it can permanently alter the way the body, the organs, the cells, look and function. Therefore, all traditional therapies are aiming to bring about an alteration in the energy field and are inviting the person to make it a permanent one. Unfortunately, because people are well trained in their passive role in the curing of their illnesses in the western world, they tend to sit back and let it happen. As a result, they have been everywhere, tried everything and nothing works .

Many therapies are in fact being blocked almost before ‘they get to us'. Doomed to fail. Some of the natural healing methods seem to have been picked for their immediate impact, such as vomiting, hallucinogenic substances, rhythmic drumming and fire. You cannot help being affected by these kind of therapies, but indeed, in the long run it remains up to the individual to decide whether or not they will allow change to become permanent.

Now, let's ask ourselves what kind of difference fire makes? Fire warms things, dries things and makes things lighter. When we make a fire, we can warm ourselves and dry our clothes. But we also know that it evaporates water; it makes it lighter. Equally, it turns the heavy wood or coal into very light dust. Fire produces heat, dryness and lightness. Heat means that things are less cold. Heat is also energy; that means that extra heat makes things more energetic, run smoother and better. Dryness means that things are less wet. Less water. Water evaporates when adding heat to it. Lightness means that things are less heavy. This happens when water evaporates but all else will also become lighter. Ear candling is such a traditional way of delivering extra heat through the use of fire, in this case by burning hollow candle placed in the ear.

What are some of the health beneficial effects that we have observed from ear candling? We get less congested, less mucus, even less lymphatic oedema. We have more energy, more immune resistance, a better circulation. We feel better, lighter, less depressed. These changes are brought about in the "air" within which the candle burns. These changes occur in the aura, in the energy field of the person, and from there the changed energy field is expressed in the material world. Hence, the body changes too and does so from one moment to the next! All bodily functions are an immediate expression of the interactions within its energy field. No changes in the physical can happen without the changes having occurred in the energy field first. The body can only materially express what is already there energetically.

We are an energy field and ear candling changes it by adding heat to that field. We also know that every piece of matter lies at the centre of its own energy field. The body is the centre of our energy field, but at the same time every piece of our body, every cell, lies at the centre of its energy field. The body's field can be seen as an association of cellular fields. All cellular fields together make up the body's field. So, when the fire changes the human energy field, it essentially does that by having an impact on all the cellular fields at once. But how does a cell know what is going on inside its energy field, or more precisely inside the energy field of the whole body?

Candace Pert's research showed that every cell in the body produces the chemicals corresponding with the mood you are in. So, at any given moment in time, every cell in the body knows what you are feeling and it reacts to it. Its function is adjusted to your mood and guided by it. And this is why, when you are happy and contented and the phone rings and a voice says, "Your mother has just died!", you instantly change to feeling extremely sad. Not only that, but your gut stops digesting, your breathing becomes shallow and fast, your blood pressure increases, your pulse rate increases, the tension in your muscles increases, your eyes fill up with water, and so on. All of these changes happen instantaneously. This can only be explained because every singular structure within the body structure is getting the message at the same time and responding accordingly. That is why there is always perfect coordination. Biologists have found that little antennae on the cell's surface are responsible for picking up ‘the vibrations' of the environment. In other words, every cell of your body is listening out for energetic changes in its environment, in the organ's environment, in the body's environment.

But there is one last little piece in this particular puzzle, and we are going to need it if we want to even begin to understand the seen effects of ear candling and healing in general, and that is, that it has been established that these antennae are not all sticking out all of the time. The cell can retract the antennae inside the cellular membrane. Why would a cell not want to know absolutely everything that goes on in the world around it? Well, the truth is that there is too much. Also, some of it could be very dangerous and is better ignored and shut away than responded too. We should know that that works pretty similar for us as a whole. Have you never listened to a conversation and afterwards someone talks about it but you seemed not to have heard the same things they have heard? It was there, but your registration of it was totally different. The cell does something similar by choosing not "to record" some things or to record stuff in a particular way. Who makes that decision? Well, it turns out you do. The brain plays a significant part in choosing what to ignore and what to register. The brain is the main tool the ego has. This is where you label things with "like it", "hate it", "must avoid", "stupid", and so on. These are some of the choices you make. If you believe something to be stupid, you no longer listen to it. You retreat. You determine what the cells of your body will listen out for and what they won't hear. You determine which antennae are out and which ones are not available. Of course, these decisions change from moment to moment under different circumstances but as they are mainly based on previous experiences, some decisions we stick to for an awful long time. What you believe determines what you are going to listen out for in your environment. Life presents itself to you in the form of what you believe it should look like.

Whatever you believe is, what you are going to experience. I am talking here about whatever belief is anchored in your heart, in the true "you". You see the world as you believe it to be, and so you can alter whatever influence a therapy, for instance, is aiming to have on you. However, and this is the real beauty, an ear candle always does the same thing to you. It warms you up; it dries you out; it lightens you up. If you choose to reverse those changes afterwards and, for instance, put the congestion back, then you certainly can do that. That way you can "prove" the therapy does not work.

Ear candling always delivers heat, dryness and lightness to the system, because it changes the energy field of the person receiving it directly. The qualities are direct changes made to that part of the person's energy field and therefore to their tissues. The truth is that you do not have to believe in ear candling before it delivers its beneficial effects to you. You only decide whether or not you want to hold on to those effects or not, but you are always receiving them. All of the effects, not just the ones you ‘like', and that is because ear candling acts upon the human energy field itself without the interference of other factors like the person delivering the therapy. For that reason it is a powerful energetic healing tool. However, I advise you to learn to use it properly and to familiarise yourself with both the way energy creates our reality as well as how ear candles can help us to make the necessary changes for us to regain our health.

March 2009